Each year, The Manhattan Short Film Festival receives in excess of 1800 film entries from all over the world. Only 10 of these films are selected as finalists and screened.
Each year, The Manhattan Short Film Festival receives in excess of 1800 film entries from all over the world. Only 10 of these films—of 18 minutes duration or less— are selected as finalists and screened at all participating libraries, cinemas, cultural centers, and other venues.
Not only do MANHATTAN SHORT filmgoers get the chance to watch the cream of the year’s international short films, every audience member also plays an integral part in deciding the winner. By casting their vote for their favorite film and actor, it is our worldwide audience that determines the ultimate victor. With past finalists from the Festival going on to be nominated and to win (1999, 2007 & 2015) Academy Awards in the Short Film category, MANHATTAN SHORT is, quite simply, a collection of some of the best short films currently screening in the world today.
For ages 14 to adult.